Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything in a long time I have just been busy but today I am sick so I thought when is there a better time well, at there is so much!

       well first there is the cutest plush glasses stand ever it is so cute but the picture is too big:(

well, there is also a japan la
 section it is really cute

last but not least Celebrate the Lunar New Year With Hello Kitty

the cutest perfume set!!!!!!!!!

I also have some bad news :( becca has been really busy and she can't be on the website anymore :(


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

biggest fans!!

Cute New Designs For The Biggest Fans

alright now everyone who is hello kitty's biggest
fans should definitely look at this stuff at because this stuff is 
AWESOME  well you can get
clips, necklaces, overnight bags, suitcases, passport cases like I mean they have everything!! Have a happy New Years day and have a good day!                             love,